
About This Site | 關於本站

1. Stamina | 毅力
2. Derivation | 緣起
3. Blog Preface | 網誌序
4. The NaviMap | 導覽
5. Comments Are Welcome | 歡迎賜教
6. About Pro-Velop | 關於Pro-Velop
7. Mentor's Forward [untranslated] | 黃陽恩師集冊出版序
8. Publishing Prelude [untranslated] | 出版自序
9. Re-arrange Layout | 版面重整
10. Restart––Japanese Learning Diary | 再出發——日本語學習日記

Private Philosophy | 私房哲學

Contemplate | 沈思

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–Contemplate [untranslated] | 私房哲學分類解析—沈思

  2. Rambling about *Eternity* | 漫談*永恆*

  3. Simplicity • Clean • Quick • Tensility | 簡 · 潔 · 捷 · 張力

  4. Sneak a Moment of Freedom | 偷得浮生半日閒

  5. The None U-Turn Path of Civilization [untranslated] | 文明不歸路

  6. Create, Innovate, & Smriti [untranslated] | 創造、創新與傳承

  7. Passionate Heart [untranslated] | 我心狂野

  8. Characteristic • Competition • Evolution [untranslated] | 特質.競爭.進化

  9. Profession • Ethics • Critic • Executive [untranslated] | 專業.倫理.評者.為者

  10. [title untranslated] | 思辨.邏輯.原理.道.覺悟;思辨邏輯原理道覺悟

  11. How To Make Up One's Mind [untranslated] | 如何下決心

  12. Leadership • Thinking • Popularity [untranslated] | 領導.思想.眾望所歸

  13. Future Rhapsody [untranslated] | 未來狂想曲

  14. Childhood • True • Be Me [untranslated] | 憶童年.思真.做自己

  15. Unveal Order in Chaos [untranslated] | 渾沌中現秩序

  16. A Better Life From Now On [untranslated] | 美好日日月月歲歲

Peace Pill | 定心丸子

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–Peace Pill | 私房哲學分類解析— 定心丸子

  2. Free from "Struggling," Part I | 跳脫「掙扎」之一

  3. Free from "Struggling," Part II | 跳脫「掙扎」之二

  4. Free from "Struggling," Part III | 跳脫「掙扎」之三

  5. Recognizing "Contradiction" [untranslated] | 認識「矛盾」

  6. Removing "Contradiction" [untranslated] | 去除「矛盾」

  7. Judge and Penetrate [untranslated] | 判斷與洞察

  8. High Aware Ignorant [untranslated] | 高覺感型無知

  9. To Be "Self-Forgetful" [untranslated] | 進入「忘我」

  10. So It Be [untranslated] | 所以然

  11. Mood | 心情

  12. Nice Mood [untranslated] | 好心情

  13. Free from "Struggling," Part IV [untranslated] | 跳脫「掙扎」之四

Awareness | 覺知

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–Awareness [untranslated] | 私房哲學分類解析—覺知

  2. Creativity Presents Itself | 創意會自然展現

  3. A Calling from Yesterday | 昨日的呼喚

  4. Edtorial Note | 編輯註記

  5. Original Life Force [untranslated] | 生命元動力

  6. In-novation | 斂新

  7. Subjective Believe • Discovery • Create [ untranslated] | 主觀信念.發現.創造

  8. No Regret • No Sorry [untranslated] | 無悔.無憾

  9. Return to Humanity [untranslated] | 回歸人本

  10. ArtOfThink•SurfingBehavior•InterfaceDesign [untranslated] | 思考藝術.網路行為.界面設計

  11. The Beauty of Life [untranslated] | 生活之美

  12. Music & Emotion [untranslated] | 音樂與情緒

  13. The Philosophy of Simplicity, Lesson One: Multitask • Miracle [untranslated] | 簡單哲學第三課:多工.奇蹟

  14. Read But Not Absorbed [untranslated] | 囫圇吞棗

  15. Leading Words [untranslated] | 引言

  16. Transition Log [untranslated] | 過場誌

  17. Introspect on the Sacred Day to Ancestors | 清明發省

  18. Beyond True False • Perspective • The Greater Reality | 昨是非.今非是.觀點.識大局

  19. What Professions Do Not Pain? [untranslated] | 哪個行業不辛苦?

  20. Record [untranslated] | 記錄

  21. Love You Until Turning Into Bones [untranslated] | 愛你入骨

  22. Release Fear [untranslated] | 釋放恐懼

  23. Fulfill the Present [untranslated] | 具足東風

  24. The Last Fan to Keep [untranslated] | 人間至扇

  25. [title untranslated] | 人盡其才

Insight | 洞見

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy– Insight [untranslated] | 私房哲學分類解析—洞見

  2. "Middle Path" Talk [untranslated] | 談「中道」

  3. Establish Your Own Style [untranslated] | 自我風格之塑造

  4. Known • Told | 知道.曉得

  5. Life Sketch;Silent Eraser [untranslated] | 生活素寫;沈默橡皮擦

  6. Self-Conscious • Mind • Mastering | 自主意識.心思.駕馭

  7. Specialty • Polymath • Give-and-take • Harmony [untranslated] | 專精.博學.取捨.和諧

  8. Understood? [untranslated] | 點解?

  9. [title untranslated] | 我的悟空:活在當下.馬上辦.誠於己

  10. Sequential vs Random | 循序對亂序 [未譯]

  11. [title untranslated] 生活領悟

Experienced | 體悟

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–Experienced [untranslated] | 私房哲學分類解析—體悟

  2. Writing in English versus in Chinese | 中英文寫作方法之對應

  3. The Philosophy of Simplicity, Lesson One: Time Management |

  4. Rambling about "Emotion" [untranslated] | 漫談「情緒」

  5. The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts [untranslated] | 整體大於所有部份的總和

  6. More about "Eternity" [untranslated] | 再談「永恆」

  7. Be What You Know [untranslated] | 知行合一

  8. Eliminating Mosquitos | 捕蚊記

  9. The Philosophy of Simplicity, Lesson Two | 簡單哲學第二課:由繁入簡

  10. Pattern • Correlate • Thought • Afflatus [untranslated] | 胚騰.聯想.思惟.靈感

  11. A Heart to Be Usual [untranslated] | 平常心

  12. Resolve [untranslated] | 下決心

  13. Convulse [untranslated] | 震撼

  14. The Ineffective Side of Language [untranslated] | 語文的無用

  15. 0, 1, ∞ [untranslated] | 0, 1, ∞

  16. The Art of Appreciation and Critc [untranslated] | 欣賞與評論的藝術

  17. Sort of Lost [untranslated] | 若有所失

  18. Between Moving & Still [untranslated] | 動靜之間

  19. Fact • Acknowledge • Superficial • Self-Aware [untranslated] | 事實.認知.膚淺.自覺

  20. The Pl-Tr-easure of Reading [untranslated] 讀書珍樂

  21. Six Poems of Being Eastwalker [untranslated] | 東行六吟

  22. Calmness [untranslated] |

  23. The Year of Dog Greeting [untranslated] | 丙戌賀歲

  24. Conquer • Thaw [untranslated] | 征服.融入

  25. Sleeping Drill • Search for Lord [untranslated] | 練習睡覺.養神

  26. Anger for Breaking the Bone [untranslated] | 怒啃風骨

  27. Unfinished • Endurance • Gain Qi [untranslated] | 心有餘.練耐力.養氣

  28. The Romance of Dream [untranslated] | 夢之演義

  29. The First Time THX Recording Experience [untranslated] | 第一次THX錄音體驗

  30. Learning • The Only Continuous Hit • Cross Begin To The End [untranslated] |

  31. Unrest • Insist • Broad Vision [untranslated] | 動盪.堅持.遠光

  32. Self-librating • Ju-Yo • Cure [untranslated] | 自我解放.祝由.療癒

  33. Shift Thinking • Message • The Power of Language [untranslated] | 轉念.訊息.語文的力量

  34. Evoke the Power[untranslated] | 驅動

  35. [title untranslated] | 心神交流

A Touching Moment | 感動時分

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–A Touching Moment | 私房哲學分類解析—感動時分

  2. Vision | 看見

  3. Tear [untranslated] | 眼淚

  4. Just Be It But Not Arrogant [untranslated] | 顯而不驕

  5. 2006 New Year New Hope [untranslated] | 2006新年新希望

  6. Refresh the Heart to Unveil Creativities [untranslated] | 溫故知初心.有感始能發

  7. Growing Up Sweet [untranslated] | 人生結冠心禮

  8. Unspeakable [untranslated] | 難以言喻

  9. [title untranslated] | 誌咪銘

Opinions | 有此一說

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–Opinions | 私房哲學分類解析—有此一說

  2. How "Afflatus" Works? | 「靈感」如何運作?

  3. Sneak Preview of the Profound Universe [untranslated] | 一窺宇宙亙古奧祕

  4. On The Shoulders of Giants [untranslated] | 站在巨人肩上

  5. An Unexpected Shot [untranlsated] | 天外飛來一針

  6. Synchronicity • The United One • Destiny [untranslated] | 同步事件.天人合一.命運

Not About Creativity | 非關創意

  1. The Anatomy of Private Philosophy–Not About Creativity | 私房哲學分類解析—非關創意

  2. The Truth about Love | 愛的真諦

  3. Inhumanity [untranslated] | 人之劣根性

  4. Concord • Peace [untranslated] | 和睦.和平

Sketch Note | 速寫

  1. Forgotten [untranslated] | 想不起來

  2. So It Be [untranslated] | 所以然

  3. Good Morning! Today [untranslated] | 早安!今天

  4. [title untranslated] | 字字錙銖

  5. [title untranslated] | 物盡其用

  6. Wish[untranslated] | 期許

  7. Old Battery Enduring I [untranslated] | 舊電池續航力

  8. [title untranslated] | 默契.莫棄.人生五大課.舊電池續航力 II

  9. The Source of Creativities [untranslated] | 創意之源

  10. Forgotten II [untranslated] | 想不起來 II

  11. Mood | 心情

  12. Evoke the Power II | 驅動II

  13. Nice Mood [untranslated] | 好心情

  14. Keywords Compression | 壓縮關鍵詞彙

  15. [title untranslated] | 人盡其才

  16. [title untranslated] | 心神交流

Living Tips | 生活祕方

1. Easy Recognizing The New Taiwanese Dolloars | 真偽新台幣肉眼簡易辨識法
2. Ink-wipe Cleaning [untranslated] | 潑墨韻抹陳如新
3. Wi-fi vs DHCP

Astonishing in Life | 生活驚鮮

1. Tetsujin Niju-Hachigo [untranslated] | 鐵人28號
2. Meeting Again with Design for Living [untranslated] | 又見生活設計

Tutorial | 教學展示

  1. Behind the scenes "Merry X'mas 2004" | 「2004耶誕賀卡」幕後花絮

  2. No English | 蘋果iPhoto 4數位相片管理程式 Part I

  3. No English | 蘋果iPhoto 4數位相片管理程式 Part II

  4. Spilled Keyboard Repair | 沾水鍵盤修復

  5. Text-to-Speech | 讓Mac說話

  6. Disk Utilities -9972 Error Recovery [untranslated] | 磁碟工具程式-9972錯誤修復

  7. Unix Command-history [untranslated] | Unix指令介紹-history

  8. Instant Dictionary [untranslated] | 即時字典搜尋功能

  9. Reset Adobe Bridge Preference [untranslated] | 重設Adobe Bridge設定

Cyber Gallary | 思泊藝廊

Appreciation | 賞析

  1. From 2D to 3D | 從二維到三維

  2. The Invisibility of Graphics Design [untranslated] | 平面設計扮演的無形角色

  3. Origami in SS Wire Mesh | 不鏽鋼網摺紙

Photo Sallon | 攝影沙龍
  1. Playful Heart | 隨心之趣

Creations | 作品集
  1. Merry Christmas 2004 | 耶誕快樂2004

Book Review | 書齋書摘

1. About Book Review | 關於書齋書摘
2. Apple Pixar Mania | 蘋果熱與皮克斯瘋